четверг, 30 мая 2013 г.

Pros running in the morning

Many beginners can not decide when it is better to run in the mornings or evenings. As a result, they do not clearly allocated time for running and jogging will soon expire. I like to run in the mornings. Encountering a variety of sources of information that the famous successful people who also run in the morning, once more established in their choice. So what are the advantages, in my opinion, is in the running in the morning.
For me the following conclusion played decisive importance in establishing my habit to run in the mornings. The rich have a rule: "First of all, pay yourself (for example, in the first instance, to pay 10% of the income from ebe, and then all the rest)." After some thought, I came to the conclusion that running in the morning, I'll first 10% of its energy to spend on yourself, and the rest on the other: the chief, colleagues, relatives, etc. Because of the energy is wasted during the day, have to overcome the greater resistance of the organism in order to run in the evening.
Running in the morning makes it easier to enter into a working rhythm.
When while jogging you watch the sun rise, you see how nature wakes up - this is a cool feeling, it gives energy.
Brain c am clean and while jogging, you can plan any case, while achieving a high concentration on a specific topic.
In the evening, the accumulated per day problems may distract the attention on himself.
Although I note that in the evening, too, occasionally resort to a light physical activity to lose the accumulated emotional stress.
If you run a watch at 6:00 in the morning, hardly anyone would be hard to distract you, the evening is clear - more distractions. The people on the streets in the morning is much less than in the evening. Also in the summer which is run in the mornings because it is still cool outside.
Personally, in my experience, if I regularly run in the mornings in the winter, I'm not sick at all! As soon as doing a break for two weeks in mid-winter, easy to catch a cold.
One of the joys of running in the morning after the adoption of water treatment, it can be either a shower or a swimming pool or swimming in open water. What can I say after such events, you feel fresh and cheerful.
In general, to choose a convenient time to run through to look at your priorities on your lifestyle preferences. I made my choice, and told you about it, pointing out the advantages that led to yourself.

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