пятница, 31 мая 2013 г.

History of volleyball

Considered to be the inventor of volleyball, William G. Morgan, a teacher of physical education college YMCA in Holyoke (Massachusetts, USA). In 1895, at the gym, he hung a tennis net at a height of 197 cm and his students, which number at the site is not limited to, began to throw the basketball through her camera. Morgan called the new game "mintonet." A year later, at a conference of colleges in the Young Men's Christian Association Sprinfilde at the suggestion of Professor Alfred T. Halsted game got a new name - "Volleyball". And in 1897 in the United States published the first rules of volleyball.
    At the beginning of the twentieth century "flying ball" originated in Canada, Japan, the Philippines, Burma, India, Mexico. During World War 1 volleyball began to spread in Europe, including in Russia.
    In our country started playing volleyball in Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, and later - in Moscow.
    The official date of birth of the national volleyball considered to be June 28, 1923, when Moscow hosted a friendly game of volleyball players of higher art and theater workshops and the State Film School.
    In 1932, the Union was formed volleyball section in 1959 - Volleyball Federation of the USSR.
    In 1933, he was the first championship of the USSR. The first four were called the All-Union volleyball tournament celebrations, which involved teams of Moscow and Leningrad. Gorky, Rostov-on-Don, Sverdlovsk, Baku, Dnepropetrovsk, Kiev, Minsk, Tashkent, Tbilisi, Kharkov. And the USSR championship club teams have been held since 1938
    In this period of volleyball in the country was a truly massive game. The recognized leaders of the national volleyball considered M.Vihreva. E.Voyt, Z.Kozlova, O.Kocherzhinskaya, O.Neugodova, V.Oskolkova, K.Prokofeva, K.Topchieva, N.Alekseev, B.Arefev, Yu.Bagon, A.Baryshnikov, M.Vilrat, V. Demidov, B.Nolde, A.Ponomarev, A.Rusanov, A. Stepanov, E.Filatov, Filippov. A.Chinilin, A.Yakushev, laid the foundation for the national school volleyball.
    After World War II the leading position in the country concerned with women's team "Lokomotiv", "Dinamo", "Spartak" (Moscow), "Spartacus" (Leningrad) and male - "Dinamo", CDKA (Moscow), UP (Leningrad), " Spartacus "(Kiev), which were outstanding masters T.Baryshnikova, A.Zharova, M.Kononova, S.Kundirenko, T. Petrova, V.Ozerova, A.Ponomareva, V.Sviridova, A.Chudina, P.Voronin , V.Gaylit, S.Nefedov, M.Pimenov, K.Reva, V.Savvin, V.Ulyanov, V.Schagin, A.Eyngorn, A.Yakushev, who won gold medals at the first World and European Championships.
    Back in 1924, the Olympic Games were held in Paris exhibition matches in volleyball, during which the United States Volleyball Association has taken the initiative to include volleyball in the official program of the Olympic Games. However, the Olympic volleyball was recognized only in 1957 at the IOC session in Bulgaria. A first volleyball tournament of the Olympic Games was held after 7 years in Tokyo. In women, the highest team won Olympic medals in Japan, the USSR, China and Cuba, and men - teams of the USSR, Japan, Poland, the USA, Brazil and the Netherlands.
    In 1947, in Paris, at the initiative of the representatives of Belgium, Brazil, Hungary, Egypt, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, United States, Uruguay, France, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia was formed by the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB). Union volleyball section (later Volleyball Federation of the USSR) was adopted by the FIVB year later, and the Volleyball Federation of Russia - a member of the FIVB in 1992, currently brings together the FIVB 218 national federations and the number of its members is the largest sports organization in the world.
    FIVB spends the next competition: World Championships (since 1949 for men since 1952 for women), the World Cup (since 1965 for men since 1973 for women), World Grand Champions Cup (since 1993) , World League (1990 men), Grand Prix (since 1993 for women), Junior World Championships (since 1977), the world championship among girls and boys (since 1989). In recent years, the frequency of the FIVB competition is as follows: annual World League and the Grand Prix every 2 years - world championships for girls, juniors, four times a year - the World Cup, World Cup, World Cup champions.
    The development of volleyball in their regions are also involved in Asian, African and European Confederation, the Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean countries and the Confederation of the Americas.
    National Volleyball Federation (FIVB) was founded in 1991 and since 1992 - the successor to the Federation of the USSR in all international sporting associations. Currently holds IEF championship and the Cup of Russia, Cup of Siberia and the Far East, the championship of Russia among young men and women veterans of the All-Russia competitions.
    In the domestic volleyball brought up a large galaxy of world-class players: E.Artamonova, L.Buldakova, E.Godina, S.Gorbunova, T.Gracheva, L.Kalenik, M.Kumysh, G.Leonteva, L.Loginova, L.Mihaylovskaya, N.Morozova, V.Ogienko, M.Pankova, N.Radzevich, A.Ryzhova, I.Ryskal, R.Salihova, T.Sarycheva, T.Sidorenko, Igor Smirnov, N.Smoleeva, E.Tischenko, T. Tretyakov, E.Tyurina, L.Tyurina, L.Chernysheva, I.Bugaenkov, N.Burobin, Yu.Vengerovsky, D.Voskoboynikov, G.Gaykovoy, S.Dineykin, V.Dorohov, Zaitsev, A.Ermilov, Kazakov, V. Kovalenko, V.Kondra, V. Kravchenko, A. Kuznetsov, E.Lapinsky, V.Loor, O.Moliboga, G.Mondzolevky, R.Olihver, S.Orlenko, Yu.Panchenko, Y. Poyarkov A.Savin, P.Selivanov, E.Sibiryakov, A.Sorokalet, Yu.Starunsky, S.Tetyuhin, K.Ushakov, N.Fasahov, D.Fomin, V.Hamuttskih, Yu.Chesnokov, O.Shatunov, I.Shulepov, R.Yakovlev and many others.
    Throughout the world, recognized the authority of our coaches G.Ahvlediani, Yu.Klescheva, N.Karpolya, V.Platonova, A.Yakusheva.
    There is also another kind of game - the beach-will (beach volleyball, beach volleyball). In volleyball on the sand in their twenties - thirties played in Bulgaria, Latvia, USSR, USA, France, Czechoslovakia. Beach-will from the two players on the court came to the U.S. in 1930 at the end of the twentieth-century scourge will get very widespread in the world and in 1993 at the IOC session in Monte Carlo, he was recognized as an Olympic sport.
    Now the official calendar of the FIVB includes the following competitions beach-willed: tournaments in the program of Olympic Games (since 1996), World Championships (since 1987 for men since 1992 for women) and the World Tour (with 1989 for men, with 1993 women), stages (tournaments) for the season which are held in different countries.
    In the USSR, the first official competitions in beach-willed were held in 1986 In 1989, the Cup was played in Moscow and in the same year for the first time has been played USSR Cup for men. In 1989, the Soviet Union volleyball players made their debut in the World Championships and World Tour.
    The first championship of Russia on the beach-the will was held in 1993 and in the same year our volleyball players were the first European Championships. Women's Team Russia for the first time made at the European Championships in 1994 and a year later took their debut in the World tour.
    Now Calendar IEF on the beach-willed includes: the championship of Russia (since 1995 takes place as a national series with the stages in different cities), Russian championship among girls, boys and veterans.
    In late 2000, the International Volleyball Federation summed up the results of the contest "The best of the twentieth century." In the category "Best Player" special awards were Inna Ryskal and Konstantin Reva, and in the category "Best Coach" - Givi Akhvlediani and Vyacheslav Platonov.

The history of basketball

A game similar to basketball, was known to the Maya and Aztecs centuries ago. Then the ball was made of rubber, and the purpose of the game was to throw the ball into a stone ring.
The birthplace of modern basketball is the United States, and the author then a young teacher, Dr. James Naismith.
The game was invented in 1891. in the training center of the Christian Youth Association in Springfield. Naismith attached to the railing of the balcony from the two baskets of fruit, in which you had to throw the ball.
In 1892, Naismith developed the first rules of the game of basketball. Terms consisted of only 13 points.
1. The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands;
2. The ball can be hit by one or two hands in any direction, but by no means a fist;
3. A player can not run the ball. The player must pass the ball or throw the ball into the basket from the point where it got him, except for a player running at a good speed;
4. The ball must be held by one or two hands. Can not be used to hold the ball and the body of the forearm;
5. In any case, avoid strokes, seizures, hold, pushing the enemy. The first infringement of this rule by any player shall be recorded as a foul (foul play), second foul disklifitsiruet it until the next goal is scored, and if there was a clear intention to injure a player for the whole game. No substitution is allowed;
6. Hitting the ball with his fist - a violation of the rules of paragraphs 2 and 4, the punishment described in paragraph 5;
7. If ode side makes three consecutive fouls, it shall be recorded for a goal for the opponents (this means that during this time, the opponents do not have to commit any foul);
8. Goal scored - if thrown or batted ball hits the floor in the basket and stays there. Defending players are not allowed to touch the ball or the basket at the time of the throw. If the ball touches the edge and the opponents move the basket, then scored a goal;
9. If the ball goes out of bounds (off-site), then it should be thrown into the field the first player touching it. In the event of a dispute throw the ball in the field, should a judge. Throws a player is allowed to hold the ball for five seconds. If he holds it longer, the ball is given to the opponent. If either party is trying to delay the time, the judge should give them a foul;
10. The judge must follow the actions of the players and for the fouls and notify the referee of three consecutive fouls committed. He shall have power to disqualify under regulation 5;
11. Referee should follow the ball and determine when the ball is in play (within the area), and when he goes out of bounds (off-site), which party should have the ball, and to perform any other actions that would normally be performed referee;
12. A game consists of two halves of 15 minutes each with an interval of 5 minutes between them;
13. Side, scored more goals in this period of time is the winner.
In 1893, the iron rings were mounted with the mesh.
In 1894 he released the official rules of the game of basketball.
In 1895 he introduced free throws from a distance of 5m 25cm.
in 1986 allowed dribble in all its variants.

The history of martial arts

Dogfight (from staroslavnskogo "rukopash" - the hand and "plow" - swinging) - a fight without the use of firearms. In a broader sense - close combat with active grenades, knives and shooting at close range. Also, "close fight," said troop applied discipline that studies the use of bladed weapons in combat or fight without weapons.
Since the early 30's of the 20th century martial arts included in the training of troops of the NKVD. In the mid-40s, with the opening section of the DSO in "Dinamo", hand to hand combat gets sports focus. Since the early 80's in the Soviet Union formed a close fight, as a sport, carried out in-house and extra-departmental competitions in fighting various levels. In the 90 years of martial arts as a sport has gained popularity not only in the military, but also among the general civilian population, attracting entertainment events, a variety of techniques and activities validity of rules and judging system.
Dogfight in the Russian military training
Prior to 1917:
Tech bayonet. Unarmed combat (punches, kicks, throws, locks) was considered part of the bayonet, and had little value in comparison with the study of the bayonet techniques.
Use a sword and spear.
Prior to 1941:
On the eve of war, martial arts taught on the basis of instructions and guidelines. In this case, departmental systems have been developed hand combat. At the core of the training was to put the art of bayonet fighting. Separately studied the techniques of combat against an unarmed enemy, and the enemy armed with firearms and machetes. Separately, to carry out special. jobs have been taught the art of knife fighting.
In our time:
During the period of the ban on karate in the Soviet Union in 1983, many coaches changed their name to karate martial arts, it is especially easy to do sections in society "Dynamo", the police and the army. Unarmed as a sport included in the Single sports classification as a separate sport from 1985.
Prior to 1991, the head of the sport was a close fight Union Federation (VFDSO "Dynamo"), which was eliminated after the collapse of the Soviet Union. During the years of Soviet power in the country nacchityvalos 38 points of unarmed combat. In 1992, the first championship by fighting in Russia, in 1994 and 1995 - the first All-Russian and international tournaments. Since 1996, the development of the sport in Russia is engaged in non-profit Partnership "The National Federation of martial arts" (NFRB), whose president - Valery Kharitonov - a renowned expert and organizer of martial arts. In 1996 NFRB Championship held in Russia, Russian Cup and Russian championship among juniors in 1997 - the first championship of educational institutions of the Russian Federation Ministry of Internal Affairs. Upon recommendation of the NFRB dogfight included in the All-Russian Unified Sports Classification as a military-applied sport with the right to the title of "Master of Sports of Russia-hand combat."
In 2001, it was registered Russian public organization "Federation of martial arts" (FRB), also headed by Valery Kharitonov. Its participation in the Fed confirmed by representatives of 50 regions of Russia. This active form of martial arts developed in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Krasnodar and Stavropol regions, Bryansk, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Kursk, Kostroma, Lipetsk, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Sverdlovsk, Smolensk, Chelyabinsk regions and other regions. Dogfight popular in Russian law enforcement agencies: the MIA of Russia, Russian State Customs Committee, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Russian Ministry of Atomic Energy, Ministry of Justice of Russia, FAGCI, FPS Russia, the FSB, Russia, Russian Federal Security Service, Federal Tax Police Service of Russia. In international tournaments, fighting regularly participate athletes of 12 countries, mostly representatives of neighboring countries.

History of Golf

The origin of golf is a legend as a simple shepherd, bored at his job, drove a stick on the stones of the field and accidentally rolled one down the rabbit hole. His friends liked so much fun and they chose the round stones and zaganyali them in the pit. Over time, the stones have replaced the balls and rabbit holes - special hole instead of sticks began to use the putter.
Today it is difficult to judge where he first started to play games like golf. Many countries believe that they progenitors strarinnoy game. For example, in the Netherlands played a game kolven, very similar to the golf course, though playing it on the ice. The Romans in 400 g. new era played "Paganico" which is very similar to the golf course and could move Britain. The Chinese believe that the history of the modern golf started with the ancient game of "Gui Wang," rasprostranennoyna widely in China in 3-2 centuries BC Their versions are possible, and the French and the Belgians.
But whatever it was now home to the classic game of golf is a small town of St. Andrews in Scotland. Named for the city's patron saint, St. Andrew, whose tomb is in a dilapidated cathedral, which was built about six centuries ago. By the way, on one of the stained glass windows of the old cathedral you can see the image of a man with a stick in his hand.
The official date of birth of golf is considered to be the first written mention of it in the decree of King James in 1457. The game was so popular that the soldiers of his army chose her training in archery. An order that the Scottish Parliament banned the game of golf.
The game of golf - it's a whole separate culture that cherishes the many traditions, legends and traditions. Thus, the first woman - the golfer is Scottish Queen Mary Stuart. The title of the oldest golf club challenge each other, "Gentleman Golferz" (now "Onorabl to Company office Edinburgh Golferz"), formed in March 1744, and the "Royal Burgess Golfing Segayiti" from Edinburgh, which finds the date of its founding in 1735.
Interesting facts.
In 1870. Sir David Mankreyf and eksvayr John White, Mel-vin made a bet that one of them, who live longer have to give the golf club of St. Andrew silver stick, which will be recorded the terms of the bet. 13 years after this bet Mr. White Melvin gave the club a stick. In the same year he was elected president of the club, but to take office did not, he went away to another world. His portrait still adorns one of the smoking rooms of the club.
In the XX century, golf even reached the moon! In February 1971, Alan Shepard, the captain of the ship "Apollo 14," made two attacks on two balls. In 1974, the hockey stick, which is used when playing Alan in space, was donated to a museum.
So the game of golf, in the form in which we know it, the Scots invented.

The history of tennis

The history of tennis dates back several thousand years. For the first time in tennis started playing evropeyskiyskie monks for entertainment during religious ceremonies. Then beat off the ball and fed by hand. Soon there were leather gloves, which in turn were replaced by a special pen for effective impact and batting. Thus was born the first racket. With the development of racket, tennis ball has also undergone a lot of frequent changes. The first ball was made of wood, then there were leather, filled with cellulose balls. In European monasteries of the 14th century, much to the chagrin of the Church, loved to play tennis.
The game soon became very popular, mainly in France, where he was admitted to the royal family. In the period between the 16th and 18th centuries game called «Jeu ​​de paumme» ("game in hand") has been very popular among the kings and nobles. French players begin the game, shouting the word "TENEZ", which means "Play." Soon the game became known as the "royal" or "real" tennis.In 1874, Major Walter Wingfield patented the equipment and rules for the game, which had a close resemblance to the more modern tennis. In the same year, the first tennis courts emerged in the United States. The game quickly spread to different parts of the world such as Russia, Canada, China and India. In those days, smooth croquet grounds were used as a ready-made tennis courts. The original view of the tennis courts Wingfield was designed in the shape of an hourglass. He was smaller than modern courts, which are played today. His version of the tennis courts and the rules of the game has undergone a lot of changes and additions to be in that game that the whole world is playing today.